VPFAL Monthly Action Guide: February 2025

This email contains reminders of key deadlines and administrative tasks related to academic HR. Please share with faculty or staff who would find this information relevant. 

Contact vpfal.prof.dev@utoronto.ca to be added to the distribution list or with any questions. 

Academic Searches

You may find it useful in the current context to consult the document on Best Practices for Virtual Faculty Interviews.

Tenure Committee Meeting Protocols: Modifications for 2024-25 Academic Year

  • Tenure Committee meetings for the 2024-2025 academic year continue to have the option to be virtual or in-person, and this decision should be made by the Tenure Committee Chair in conversation with Committee members.
  • Reminder: All Tenure Committee members should participate virtually OR all members should participate in-person. Hybrid meetings (with some members participating virtually and soem participating in-person) are not appropriate in this circumstance.
  • For best practices and details on conducting a Tenure Committee meeting virtually, please see the memo circulated last year: Modification to Tenure Committee Meeting Protocols for Academic Year 2023-2024 PDAD&C#15

Tenure Review


Save the Date: Retreat for New Academic Administrators

  • The Retreat for New Academic Administrators will take place on June 23-25 at the Faculty Club (41 Wilcocks Street)
  • Newly appointed Chairs; Directors; Deans; and Vice and Associate Deans with portfolios related to faculty, academics, and graduate education will receive an invitation in the coming months.
  • Any continuing academic administrator who wishes to attend the Retreat is welcome to do so and should contact vpfal.prof.dev@utoronto.ca for registration information.

Save the Date: New Faculty & Librarian Orientation

  • The New Faculty & Librarian Orientation will take place on August 11 & 12 at the Faculty Club (41 Wilcocks Street)
  • Faculty members who are appointed to the tenured/tenure stream and continuing stream teaching stream, and librarians will be sent an invitation in July.

February & March Programming for Academic Administrators

Highlighted below are the sessions occurring in the next two months. To see the complete list of scheduled workshops for academic administrators, please visit the VPFAL programming page. Please note that these sessions are not recorded nor are the slides shared.

Hiring Teaching Assistants, Course Instructors, and Sessional Lecturers – for AAAs and Staff (Online)

February 24, 2025, 1-3pm

Session leader: Labour Relations

This session, offered by Labour Relations, will provide Chairs, Directors, Associate Chairs, TA Coordinators, and Administrative Staff responsible for the administration of CUPE 3902 appointments with the tools and information necessary for posting, hiring, and filling positions under the CUPE 3902 Unit 1 and Unit 3 Collective Agreements. Topics will include: subsequent appointment assignments, job security commitments, timelines, job postings, and navigating the hiring criteria.

Register Now

Administering Subsequent CUPE 3902 Unit 1 Appointments – for AAAs and Staff (Online)

March 3, 2025, 1-3pm

Session leader: Labour Relations

Note: CUPE 3902 Unit 1 includes PhD and Masters students performing work primarily as TAs. There are instances where the performance of Course Instructorships, will be considered.

This session, run by Labour Relations, will provide Chairs, Directors, Associate Chairs, TA Coordinators, and Administrative Staff responsible for the administration of CUPE 3902 Unit 1 appointments with the necessary information to manage and administer subsequent appointments within a Department.  

Register Now

Hosting International Collaborators (Online) for Academic Administrators, Faculty, Principal Investigators and Staff from Single Department Faculties (Online)

March 26, 2025, 10am-12pm

Hosting international colleagues, researchers, expert knowledge holders, students or visitors to your department, lab, or office requires advance planning and must include immigration considerations. There can be a variety of negative repercussions if there are errors or omissions in the process. This session will guide participants on where to seek assistance. We will provide an overview of the Canadian immigration system, offer information on ways to invite and host international collaborators, and answer general questions about immigration processes and options.

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February & March Programming for Faculty

Please share with your faculty.

Promotion in the Tenure Stream – For Faculty (Online)

February 27, 2025, 2-3pm

This session is for tenured faculty only.

The University expects that most tenure-stream faculty will achieve the rank of Professor during their career at this institution. This session is intended for Associate Professors in the Tenure Stream who are preparing for promotion to Professor. We will discuss the process and timelines, how candidates may be identified, and how they can develop a professional development plan in preparation for promotion in the tenure stream.

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Promotion in the Teaching Stream – For Faculty (Online)

February 28, 2025, 1-2pm

This session is only for teaching stream faculty who have already completed their continuing status review and have been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor, Teaching Stream.

The University anticipates that many teaching- stream faculty will achieve the rank of Professor, Teaching Stream. This session is intended to help associate rank teaching stream faculty prepare for promotion. We will discuss the process and timelines, how candidates may be identified, and how they can develop a professional development plan in preparation for promotion to Professor, Teaching Stream.

Register Now

Building the Momentum: Finding Your Post-Continuing Status Pathway (In-Person)

March 19, 2025, 12-2pm

Thinking about next steps after continuing status? This session, intended for Associate Professors, Teaching Stream who achieved continuing status between 2020-21 and 2023-2024, is a conversation about post-continuing status pathways. A panel of teaching stream faculty will share how they have continued to grow exciting and dynamic careers after achieving continuing status. This session will be moderated by Vice Provost, Faculty & Academic Life, Heather Boon at the Faculty Club (41 Willcocks Street).

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Building the Momentum: Finding Your Post-Tenure Pathway (In-Person)

March 25, 2025, 12-2pm

This interactive panel, intended for Associate Professors who achieved tenure between 2020-21 and 2023-2024, is a conversation about exploring post-tenure pathways. Experienced faculty will share how they navigated the immediate post-tenure period. This panel will be moderated by Vice Provost, Faculty & Academic Life, Heather Boon at the Faculty Club (41 Willcocks Street).

Register Now

NCFDD Programming (Online)

NCFDD offers on-demand access to programs and resources designed to help faculty members “achieve extraordinary writing and research productivity while maintaining a full and healthy life off campus”

Activate your NCFDD membership to access webinars

NCFDD Faculty Success Program (FSP) Spring Session (May 19-July 27, 2025)

  • The Summer 2025 Session of NCFDD’s Faculty Success Program is scheduled to run from May 19-July 27, 2025. The total cost of the program for those who register by the priority registration deadline (February 28) is $4,495 USD ($755 USD discount).
  • Provostial funding has been extended to eligible continuing stream teaching stream faculty at all ranks. Funding will remain available for tenure stream faculty, tenured faculty, and part-time faculty in continuing appointments at all ranks.
  • Dean’s Offices must submit names of potential participants to VPFAL for consideration via the FSP Request for Provostial Funding Form no later than February 21, 2025.
  • Faculty members should not register themselves for the program. Please see Provostial Funding for the NCFDD Faculty Success Program and the Post-Tenure Pathfinders Program, 2024-25 for details on the registration and reimbursement process.

NCFDD Post-Tenure Pathfinders Program (May 19-August 10, 2025)