2024-25 Academic HR Memos

Updated: January 20, 2025

Agreement Regarding Microsoft Office for Retiring Faculty Members and Librarians (PDAD&C #20) January 17, 2025

the University Administration and University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA) have agreed to a Letter of Understanding that will reimburse retiring faculty members and librarians for the value of a one-time purchase of a personal Microsoft Office software package upon their retirement (approximate value $170.00 plus applicable taxes). Retirees will have six months to transition their files to a personal device, and the Administration will provide IT support to assist with the transition.

Establishment of “Affiliated Scientist” Subgroup within Status-Only Category (PDAD&C #13) (October 31, 2024)

Further to PDAD&C #8, 2010-11 “Provostial Guidelines for the Appointment of Status-Only, Adjunct , and Visiting Professors (revised)“, we are establishing a subgroup, “Affiliated Scientist,” within the larger category of Status-Only faculty.