2024-25 Academic HR Memos

Updated: March 10, 2025

Response to the Time to Tenure and Promotion Report (PDAD&C #26) (March 6, 2025)

In 2024, Professor Heather Boon, Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life, convened a working group to analyze time to tenure and time to promotion of male and female faculty in the tenured/tenure stream. The goal was to identify whether there are meaningful differences in the time to tenure or time to promotion.  

The report contains two important findings:

  1. There is no difference in time to tenure between males and females for those either on a five-year or six-year ‘clock’.
  2. There is a difference between males and females in time to promotion, with females being promoted, on average, six to seven months after males.  

Agreement Regarding Microsoft Office for Retiring Faculty Members and Librarians (PDAD&C #20) January 17, 2025

the University Administration and University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA) have agreed to a Letter of Understanding that will reimburse retiring faculty members and librarians for the value of a one-time purchase of a personal Microsoft Office software package upon their retirement (approximate value $170.00 plus applicable taxes). Retirees will have six months to transition their files to a personal device, and the Administration will provide IT support to assist with the transition.

Establishment of “Affiliated Scientist” Subgroup within Status-Only Category (PDAD&C #13) (October 31, 2024)

Further to PDAD&C #8, 2010-11 “Provostial Guidelines for the Appointment of Status-Only, Adjunct , and Visiting Professors (revised)“, we are establishing a subgroup, “Affiliated Scientist,” within the larger category of Status-Only faculty.