2020-21 Academic HR Memos
Update on Merit (PTR/5%) for the 2020-21 Academic Year (PDAD&C #79) (June 17, 2021)
To date, the University and UTFA have not reached an agreement about July 1, 2021 PTR. Consequently, it will not be possible to pay July 1, 2021 PTR as part of the July 2021 pay run. Instructions regarding the feedback from the annual assessment process and issuing salary letters are provided.
Update on Merit (PTR/5%) Process for the 2020-21 Academic Year (PDAD&C #69) (May 13, 2021)
The University has proposed to UTFA that we agree that payment of PTR for July 1, 2021 be made in the July 2021 pay run. All Faculties and the Library should move forward with the process of assessment of faculty members and librarians and should work to ensure that calculations are complete for potential payment of July 1, 2021 PTR and any 5% merit for the July 2021 pay run pending agreement.
This memo includes two substantive changes that must be implemented as workload is assigned this spring.
This memo includes:
- Clarification that faculty must be informed in writing of the evaluation process for Progress Through the Ranks (PTR) in their units
- Details to be included in salary letters
- Clarification regarding the assessment of teaching stream faculty
- Eligibility for PTR
Faculty members who wish to commence retirement on July 1, 2022 must give notice of their intention by July 1, 2021. This is the annual formal reminder of this deadline.
- With the transition to the University Pension Plan Ontario effective July 1, 2021 faculty members and librarians considering retirement are encouraged to read the following articles within the HR Service Centre: Planning to Retire and Income & Benefits in Retirement. Currently a retirement session is not scheduled.
- Faculty must submit a notice of intention to participate in the three-year phased retirement program (PRP) to their unit head at least one year in advance of the proposed commencement date (which shall be July 1) using this form.
2020-21 Course Evaluation Data: COVID-19 (PDAD&C#4) (July 16, 2020)
The University advises all Chairs, Academic Directors, and Deans reviewing course evaluation data for the purposes of PTR (Progress Through the Ranks), tenure, continuing status and promotion processes, and for the sessional lecturer advancement process to consider course evaluation data in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and significant changes made to course structures and delivery format.
PDAD&C = Principals, Deans, Academic Directors, and Chairs