Hosting International Collaborators – for Single Department Faculties (Online)

This session is open to academic administrators, faculty, principal investigators, and staff of Single Department Faculties. Session Leaders: Hisani Kreiser, Senior Lead, Academic Immigration & Recruitment and Sophia Martins, Recruitment and Immigration Advisor with support from Olumide Bolu, Teresa Levitt, and Carolina Moreno do Nascimento Alme, Employment & Immigration Consultants Hosting international colleagues, researchers, expert […]


Assessment of Teaching in Tenure, Continuing Status, and Promotion Reviews for Chairs, Directors, and Members of Teaching Evaluation Committees (Online)

The evaluation of teaching is a critical element in tenure, continuing status, and promotion reviews. Led by the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI), this is a substantive session on the evaluation of teaching effectiveness that will help those engaged in these reviews to conduct their work in a fair and robust way. Please […]


Hosting International Collaborators – for Multi-Department Faculties (Online)

This session is open to academic administrators, faculty, principal investigators, and staff of Multi-Department Faculties. Session Leaders: Hisani Kreiser, Senior Lead, Academic Immigration & Recruitment and Sophia Martins, Recruitment and Immigration Advisor with support from Olumide Bolu, Teresa Levitt, and Carolina Moreno do Nascimento Alme, Employment & Immigration Consultants Hosting international colleagues, researchers, expert knowledge […]


Building the Momentum: Finding Your Post-Continuing Status Pathway (In-Person)

Thinking about next steps after continuing status? This session, intended for Associate Professors, Teaching Stream who achieved continuing status status between 2019-2020 to 2022-23, is a conversation about post-continuing status pathways. A panel of teaching stream faculty will share how they have continued to grow exciting and dynamic careers after achieving continuing status.  Lunch will […]


Building the Momentum: Finding Your Post-Tenure Pathway (In-Person)

This interactive panel, intended for associate professors who achieved tenure between 2019-20 and 2022-2023, is a conversation about exploring post-tenure pathways. Experienced faculty will share how they navigated the immediate post-tenure period. Lunch will be provided. Location: Main Dining Room @ the Faculty Club, 41 Wilcocks Street.


Hosting International Collaborators – for All Faculties (Online, Jan 29 session)

This session is open to academic administrators, faculty, principal investigators, and staff of all Faculties. Session Leaders: Hisani Kreiser, Senior Lead, Academic Immigration & Recruitment and Sophia Martins, Recruitment and Immigration Advisor with support from Olumide Bolu, Teresa Levitt, and Carolina Moreno do Nascimento Alme, Employment & Immigration Consultants Hosting international colleagues, researchers, expert knowledge […]


Advancement Process for Sessional Lecturers – for AAAs and Staff (Online)

Calendar invite with Teams link will be sent a few days before the event.

This session, offered by Labour Relations, will provide Chairs, Directors, Associate Chairs Vice/Associate Deans, and Administrative Staff responsible for the administration of CUPE 3902 Unit 3 appointments with the necessary information to manage and conduct the processes for advancement to Sessional Lecturer II, and advancement to Sessional Lecturer III. Please note: A registration confirmation email […]


Contracts & Agreements – for AAAs (Online)

Session Leader: Rachael Ferenbok, Associate University Counsel Deans, Chairs, and Directors often find themselves working with contracts. This session will cover the risks of signing contracts, how to interpret legal terms, and how to handle the business aspects of running a Unit. We will review contract policy and guidelines, explore case studies, and discuss common […]


Interim and Tenure Review – For Faculty (Online)

Calendar invite with Teams link will be sent a few days before the event.

This session is for tenure stream faculty only. Achieving tenure is an important milestone in the life cycle of tenure-stream faculty. Understanding expectations and knowing what constitutes a complete and thorough file is critical. This session, intended for pre-tenure faculty who are preparing for their interim or tenure reviews, will cover the process and associated […]


Hiring Teaching Assistants, Course Instructors, and Sessional Lecturers – for AAAs and Staff (Online)

Calendar invite with Teams link will be sent a few days before the event.

This session, offered by Labour Relations, will provide Chairs, Directors, Associate Chairs, TA Coordinators, and Administrative Staff responsible for the administration of CUPE 3902 appointments with the tools and information necessary for posting, hiring, and filling positions under the CUPE 3902 Unit 1 and Unit 3 Collective Agreements. Topics will include: subsequent appointment assignments, job […]
