Bias in the Context of Academic Reviews for AAAs, Assessors, and Members of Committees – Q&A and Case Study Workshop (Online)

Session Leader: University Professor Maydianne Andrade  This live, interactive Q&A is intended for Provostial, SGS, and Decanal assessors; members of any committee that involves peer assessment (e.g., search, PTR, tenure, continuing status, promotion); as well as Deans, Vice and Associate Deans, Principals, Chairs and Directors. Please note that we are unable to accommodate staff, students, […]


Advancement Process for Sessional Lecturers – for AAAs and Staff (Online)

Calendar invite with Teams link will be sent a few days before the event.

This session, offered by Labour Relations, will provide Chairs, Directors, Associate Chairs Vice/Associate Deans, and Administrative Staff responsible for the administration of CUPE 3902 Unit 3 appointments with the necessary information to manage and conduct the processes for advancement to Sessional Lecturer II, and advancement to Sessional Lecturer III. Please note: A registration confirmation email […]


Managing Teaching Assistants and Sessional Lecturers – for AAAs and Staff (Online)

Calendar invite with Teams link will be sent a few days before the event.

This session, offered by Labour Relations will provide Chairs, Directors, Associate Chairs, Vice/Associate Deans, TA Coordinators, and Administrative Staff responsible for the administration of CUPE 3902 appointments with the tools and information necessary for managing employees under the CUPE 3902 Unit 1 and Unit 3 Collective Agreements. Topics will include: performance management, accommodation, workload, leaves, […]


Hosting International Collaborators – for Single Department Faculties (Online)

This session is open to academic administrators, faculty, principal investigators, and staff of Single Department Faculties. Session Leaders: Hisani Kreiser, Senior Lead, Academic Immigration & Recruitment and Sophia Martins, Recruitment and Immigration Advisor with support from Olumide Bolu, Teresa Levitt, and Carolina Moreno do Nascimento Alme, Employment & Immigration Consultants Hosting international colleagues, researchers, expert […]


Assessment of Teaching in Tenure, Continuing Status, and Promotion Reviews for Chairs, Directors, and Members of Teaching Evaluation Committees (Online)

The evaluation of teaching is a critical element in tenure, continuing status, and promotion reviews. Led by the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI), this is a substantive session on the evaluation of teaching effectiveness that will help those engaged in these reviews to conduct their work in a fair and robust way. Please […]


Hosting International Collaborators – for Multi-Department Faculties (Online)

This session is open to academic administrators, faculty, principal investigators, and staff of Multi-Department Faculties. Session Leaders: Hisani Kreiser, Senior Lead, Academic Immigration & Recruitment and Sophia Martins, Recruitment and Immigration Advisor with support from Olumide Bolu, Teresa Levitt, and Carolina Moreno do Nascimento Alme, Employment & Immigration Consultants Hosting international colleagues, researchers, expert knowledge […]


Building the Momentum: Finding Your Post-Continuing Status Pathway (In-Person)

Thinking about next steps after continuing status? This session, intended for Associate Professors, Teaching Stream who achieved continuing status status between 2019-2020 to 2022-23, is a conversation about post-continuing status pathways. A panel of teaching stream faculty will share how they have continued to grow exciting and dynamic careers after achieving continuing status.  Lunch will […]


Building the Momentum: Finding Your Post-Tenure Pathway (In-Person)

This interactive panel, intended for associate professors who achieved tenure between 2019-20 and 2022-2023, is a conversation about exploring post-tenure pathways. Experienced faculty will share how they navigated the immediate post-tenure period. Lunch will be provided. Location: Main Dining Room @ the Faculty Club, 41 Wilcocks Street.


Hosting International Collaborators – for All Faculties (Online, Jan 29 session)

This session is open to academic administrators, faculty, principal investigators, and staff of all Faculties. Session Leaders: Hisani Kreiser, Senior Lead, Academic Immigration & Recruitment and Sophia Martins, Recruitment and Immigration Advisor with support from Olumide Bolu, Teresa Levitt, and Carolina Moreno do Nascimento Alme, Employment & Immigration Consultants Hosting international colleagues, researchers, expert knowledge […]


Advancement Process for Sessional Lecturers – for AAAs and Staff (Online)

Calendar invite with Teams link will be sent a few days before the event.

This session, offered by Labour Relations, will provide Chairs, Directors, Associate Chairs Vice/Associate Deans, and Administrative Staff responsible for the administration of CUPE 3902 Unit 3 appointments with the necessary information to manage and conduct the processes for advancement to Sessional Lecturer II, and advancement to Sessional Lecturer III. Please note: A registration confirmation email […]
