National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity – for Faculty (On-Demand Webinars and Resources)

The University of Toronto continues to maintain an institutional registration with the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD), which offers “independent professional development, training, and mentoring community for faculty members, postdocs, and graduate students.” Faculty, graduate students, and staff may activate a free sub-account. Visit the Faculty Success Program & Post-Tenure Pathfinders Program page for more […]

Advancement Process for Sessional Lecturers – for AAAs and Staff (Online)

This session, offered by Labour Relations, will provide Chairs, Directors, Associate Chairs Vice/Associate Deans, and Administrative Staff responsible for the administration of CUPE 3902 Unit 3 appointments with the necessary information to manage and conduct the processes for advancement to Sessional Lecturer II, and advancement to Sessional Lecturer III. Please note: A registration confirmation email […]


Managing Teaching Assistants and Sessional Lecturers – for AAAs and Staff (Online)

This session, offered by Labour Relations will provide Chairs, Directors, Associate Chairs, Vice/Associate Deans, TA Coordinators, and Administrative Staff responsible for the administration of CUPE 3902 appointments with the tools and information necessary for managing employees under the CUPE 3902 Unit 1 and Unit 3 Collective Agreements. Topics will include: performance management, accommodation, workload, leaves, […]


Bias in the Context of Academic Reviews for AAAs, Assessors, and Members of Committees (Online)

Session Leaders: University Professor Maydianne Andrade & Professor Bryan Gaensler This workshop is intended for Provostial, SGS, and Decanal assessors; members of any committee that involves peer assessment (e.g., search, PTR, tenure, continuing status); as well as Deans, Principals, Chairs, and Directors. Please note that we are unable to accommodate staff, students, post-docs, sessional lecturers, […]

Unconscious Bias 101: Workshop for U of T Faculty (Online)

Presenters: Professor Ernie Lam and Professor Emeritus Anthony Wensley Understanding unconscious bias is an important first step to making structural and personal changes that support equity and inclusion. The purpose of this online workshop is to: Explore the existing evidence on representation and bias Explore case studies that illustrate how bias might intersect with various […]

Assessment of Teaching in Tenure, Continuing Status, and Promotion Reviews for Chairs, Directors, and Members of Teaching Evaluation Committees (Online)

The evaluation of teaching is a critical element in tenure, continuing status, and promotion reviews. Led by the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI), this is a substantive session on the evaluation of teaching effectiveness that will help those engaged in these reviews to conduct their work in a fair and robust way. Please […]
