Professor Cheryl Regehr

Cheryl Regehr
Provost and Vice-President
Cheryl Regehr is the Provost and Vice-President for the University of Toronto. Former Dean of the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, she is a Professor in the Faculty, has cross-appointments to the Faculty of Law and the Institute for Medical Sciences at University of Toronto, and is a Senior Fellow of Massey College.
Professor Regehr’s five books and over 120 scholarly articles focus on three intersecting issues: trauma and recovery; social work practice and competency; and stress, trauma and decision-making in high-risk professions. This research has been recognized with awards from the International Campbell Collaboration, and by the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. Her current SSHRC funded research examines stress, trauma and decision-making in social work and aims to develop a new model for improving decision-making in high-risk, high-demand situations.
Professor Regehr’s research is founded on her practice background which includes direct service in forensic social work and emergency mental health and in the administration of mental health programs, specializing in civil litigation and criminal court assessments of trauma victims and violent offenders, and organizationally based trauma interventions. She was the director of the Crisis Response Team at Pearson International Airport, served on the mental health advisory for the Department of National Defence and Veteran’s Affairs Canada, and currently is a member of the Board of Trustees for the University Health Network.