Faculty Counts & Data Dashboard

The Office of the VPFAL working with Planning & Budget have developed a series of Tableau dashboards that to provide access to critically important faculty data. We intend to add to these materials gradually over time.  Access is managed on a dashboard-by-dashboard basis.

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Detailed Appointed Faculty Data Dashboard


This dashboard includes detailed data concerning appointed faculty appointments. See the Information — Navigating the Detailed Appointed Faculty Data Dashboard web page for details on the dashboard content.


Because of the confidential nature of this data, users can only see data for faculty who hold their main (i.e., majority) budgetary appointment in their Faculty.

Who can access this dashboard?

Deans /Vice Deans and Academic HR staff in Deans’ Offices will be provided with access to the Detailed Appointed Faculty Data Dashboard and able to see details concerning their own faculty complement.  Please contact academic.hr@utoronto.ca to ask for a member of your team to be provided with access or removed from access.

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Important! Before accessing the dashboard be sure to understand the Terms of Use. After reading and understanding the Terms of Use, you may access the Detailed Appointed Faculty Data Dashboard.

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Appointed Faculty Counts: All Counts Dashboard


Who can access this dashboard? 

  • Deans /Vice Deans and Academic HR staff in Deans’ Offices will be provided with access to the Appointed Faculty Counts Dashboard.
  • Users with access will be able to see faculty counts for all Faculties A number of additional users within central offices have been provided with access to these counts.
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Important! Before accessing the dashboard be sure to understand the Terms of Use. After reading and understanding the Terms of Use, you may access the Appointed Faculty Counts: All Divisions Dashboard.

Terms of Use

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Terms of Use — This is an important guide to how the data can be used. All users must read and understand this document prior to accessing the dashboards.

Understanding the Data and the Dashboards

The following materials are intended to help users navigate the dashboards and understand the data with the goal of ensuring the data is used and interpreted in an accurate and reliable manner. You are urged to review these materials prior to exploring the dashboards, and to return to them often whenever you have any confusion.

Understanding the Dashboards: Information Web Pages

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Each dashboard has its own information web page.

Understanding the Data: Video Tutorials

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Video tutorials demonstrating how to navigate and understand the dashboards.

Please note: We are aware that the sound quality of these videos is low and are working to fix the problem.

These dashboards are reporting on appointed faculty data. Appointed faculty are faculty who are employed and paid by the University. The workload of all appointed faculty consists of research/scholarship, teaching, and service.

The following is a table that users familiar with faculty appointment categories may find useful in translating HRIS categories including Employee subgroups (ESG) into simple language.

It is always important to distinguish between different types of faculty. Two frames of reference are particularly helpful:

  1. Faculty in continuing vs. limited term appointments:
    • Tenured/tenure stream and continuing stream, teaching stream faculty are employed in continuing appointments (F1 and FA employee subgroups [ESG])
    • The University also employs faculty on full-time contractually limited term appointments (F2, FB) and part-time limited term appointments (F2, F4)
  2. Each academic unit has its own unit workload policy. Within each academic unit:
    • Tenured/tenure stream and comparable (non-tenure stream) faculty employed  on  full-time contractually limited term appointments (F2) and part-time limited term appointments (F2) have a comparable workload, prorated to their FTE.
    • Similarly, all teaching stream faculty including faculty in continuing stream, teaching stream appointments (FA) as well as faculty in full-time contractually limited term appointments (FB) and part-time limited term appointments (F4) have a comparable workload, prorated to their FTE.
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Diagram of Faculty Appointments (Please contact the VPFAL office for an accessible version of this diagram.)

Tenured & Tenure Stream appointments (F1 ESG)

  • These faculty hold full-time, continuing appointments, with tenure (or are pre-tenure, in the tenure stream).
  • Tenure stream faculty are reviewed for tenure in their 6th year of appointment and hold tenure following a successful review.
  • There is a provision in policy for a tenured faculty member, having achieved tenure, to request a reduction of their FTE for a limited time period. In these cases, we do not refer to tenured faculty as “part-time” but rather as having a “reduced FTE.”

There are faculty with the same ranks appointed on limited term contracts (max. 5 years) or on a part-time basis. These faculty perform similar roles, have a comparable workload (prorated to their FTE), and are promoted under the same criteria. These faculty are not  on track to be reviewed for tenure. See below for more details.

Continuing Stream, Teaching Stream appointments (FA ESG)

  • Continuing stream, teaching stream faculty are similar to tenure stream faculty in the sense that they hold full-time, continuing appointments.
  • They are different from tenure stream faculty in that they perform a different role, hold different ranks, are reviewed against different criteria, and have a different workload.
  • These faculty are reviewed for continuing status in the 6th year of their appointment.
  • There is a provision in policy for a  faculty member after achieving continuing status to request a reduction of their FTE for a limited time period. In these cases, we do not refer to continuing status faculty as “part-time” but rather as having a “reduced FTE.”

There are similar faculty appointed on limited term contracts or on a part-time basis. These faculty perform similar roles, have a comparable workload (prorated to their FTE), and (in the case of part-time, teaching stream faculty) are promoted under the same criteria. These faculty are not on track to be reviewed for continuing status. All three categories of faculty are referred to as teaching stream faculty.

Contractually Limited Term Appointment (CLTA) (F2 ESG)

  • These are faculty members who are ‘like’ tenure stream faculty in terms of workload, role, and ranks.
  • CLTAs may only hold an appointment for a maximum duration of 5 years, at the University. (This category also includes grant-funded CLTAs who may be appointed for the duration of the grant.)
  • These faculty are ‘not on a path to tenure review and do not hold continuing appointments.

There are both teaching stream and non-tenure stream categories of CLTA faculty.

Part-time Limited Term appointment (F2 ESG also)

  • These are faculty who are employed on a part-time FTE  of 20-75%.
  • They are similar to tenured/tenure stream faculty in terms of role, workload and ranks.
  • Their workload is prorated to their FTE.
  • These faculty are initially appointed on 1- or 2-year contracts. Following a successful review for a continuing appointment in their 6th year, the contract on which these faculty are appointed will have no end date. These faculty  are not eligible for tenure.

There are both teaching stream and non-tenure stream categories of part-time faculty.

Teaching Stream Contractually Limited Term Appointment (CLTA) (FB ESG)

  • These faculty members are ‘like’ continuing stream, teaching stream faculty in terms of workload, role, and ranks.
  • They may only hold an appointment for a max. of 5 years, at the University.
  • They are not on a path to continuing status review.

There are both teaching stream and non-tenure stream categories of CLTA faculty.

Teaching Stream, Part Time Limited Term appointment (F4 ESG)

  • These are teaching stream faculty who are employed at a part-time FTE.
  • They have a similar workload, role and ranks to other teaching stream faculty. However, their workload is prorated to their FTE.
  • They are not eligible for continuing status.

This group have, previously, been referred to as LTL‘s (Limited Term Lecturers) or LTA’s. Please do not use this short form, which no longer is appropriate to their rank.

There are both teaching stream and non-tenure stream categories of part-time faculty.

Other Academics (F3 ESG)

Other Academics is a small ESG and is comprised of primarily the Senior Athletic Instructors in Kinesiology and Physical Education (KPE) and the Institute of Child Studies instructors at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). There are a small number of Lecturers (Medicine) within the faculty of Medicine and Clinical Associate/Assistants (Medicine) within the Faculty of Dentistry.

Pres/V-P/V-Provost (PVP) (E1 ESG)

The PVP ESG includes the President, Vice-Presidents, Provosts, and Vice-Provosts. These faculty are normally tenured faculty who are currently serving a term in a PVP appointment. In the dashboard, PVP faculty are only included on tabs with faculty counts, but are not included on any tabs with individual details.

Only budgetary cross-appointments are included in the dashboard.

All faculty members are included in the Faculty and Department in which they hold their Main budgetary appointment. There are two tabs in which you can view budgetary cross-appointment details. The “Individual Details” tabs lists budgetary cross-appointment details in the “Appointment Unit” column. The “Faculty Count by Main Appointment Showing Budgetary Cross-Appointment” tab shows counts for budgetary cross-appointments. Filter by “Appointment Unit” to view all appointments (main and cross) for a particular unit.

  1. Sessional instructors: Sessional Instructors are not appointed faculty. They are individuals hired on a course by course basis. These employees do not have hree elements of workload (service, teaching, research) and are not considered appointed faculty members.
  2. Clinicians: The majority of our clinicians are not included in this report as they hold non-appointed positions at the University. A small number of clinicians (approximately 5% of the complement in 2020-21) are included in this report as they hold appointed positions and are paid directly by the University. The majority of these people are in the non-tenure stream employee subgroup (F2)
  3. Status Only and Adjunct faculty: Status Only and Adjunct faculty are individuals who are employed outside of the University of Toronto. These are non-salaried and non-continuing academic appointments faculty.

Although HRIS uses the field name “Gender”, it actually reports on “Sex” (male, female, another) and does not reflect an individual’s self-reported gender identity. The terminology used in the dashboard (male, female, another) is representative of the data entered in HRIS., The filter name “Sex” is used to represent the data reported.

The “Faculty Count by Main Appointment Showing Budgetary Cross-Appointment” tab can be tricky to understand. You are encouraged to watch the Understanding Cross Appointments—Video Tutorial to understand this tab better.

When looking at the “Detailed Appointed Faculty Data” dashboard you will only be able to see cross-appointment relationships for faculty who hold a Main appointment within your Faculty.

To see all faculty members who hold appointments within your Faculty (i.e. for faculty who have a Main appointment in another Faculty, but who hold a Cross appointment to your faculty) view this tab in the “Appointed Faculty Counts – All Divisions” dashboard.

The most common explanation for data that appears to be wrong is an entry error in HRIS. The best first step is to review the  data as it entered in HRIS. If this is a data entry error, work with the appropriate Business Officer to correct the data.

For other concerns, please contact Melodie Buhagiar, Associate Director, Academic Policy & Process (melodie.buhagiar@utoronto.ca).